Weather forecast for the Camino Aragonés in February

If you're planning to walk the Camino Aragonés, the weather will change along the way. Starting in Somport in February, it's still winter. You might see partly cloudy days, snow and some freezing rain. It'll be cold, just above freezing during the day and below freezing at night.

The next part of the path, on the way to Jaca, is quite similar. You'll see a mix of partly sunny and cloudy days, with a chance of snow. Temperatures stay about the same as in Somport.

When you get to Arrés and Ruesta, you'll experience cloudier days with some freezing rain and occasional snow. The weather stays about the same here with high temperatures at 2°C and lows at -4°C.

Once you get to Sangüesa, it gets a bit warmer, up to 9°C with lows around 2°C. You can expect a mix of sun and cloud, and light rather than heavy rain.

Near the end of the journey, in Monreal and Puente la Reina, the weather is milder compared to the cold start. There could be sun or cloud and some heavy rain. Daytime temperatures are 7°C to 8°C and at night it's around 1°C.

Overall, the Camino Aragonés in February can be a mix of winter and early spring. Be ready for cold days. But also be ready for milder weather. The weather can change quickly and vary from snow to rain, sun to clouds.

This overview is for an early February start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Start date
Feb 3
Start town
End date
Feb 8
End town
Puente la Reina
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
166 km
Daily distance
27.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.9 mm/day

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