Weather forecast for the Camino Aragonés in May

The Camino Aragonés has all kinds of weather. Starting in Somport, it may be cold to cool in May with some big rain showers and sunny periods too.

Next, in Jaca and Arrés, it gets a bit warmer but there's still a chance of heavy rain and sometimes patchy rain or sun.

When you reach Ruesta, things change. Temperature rises to around 12°C and you might see more rain and possibly snow, but also more sunny weather.

Going on to Sangüesa and Monreal you'll feel the heat increase with some days getting as hot as 18-19°C. It's usually quite dry with a lot of sun and some clouds.

Lastly, in Puente la Reina, temperatures can reach up to 20°C but it can still get as cold as 9°C. Expect heavier rain but also times of sun and cloud.

Overall, starting the El Camino Aragonés in May means you'll likely experience a mix of cold, rainy weather at first changing to warmer, drier weather with plenty of sun as you go on.

Start date
May 1
Start town
End date
May 6
End town
Puente la Reina
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
166 km
Daily distance
27.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.4 mm/day

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