Weather forecast for the Voie d'Arles in April

In April, the Voie d'Arles route in France has varied weather. Arles is mostly sunny with temperatures between 9 and 16°C and some rain. As you move towards Saint-Gilles and Gallargues-le-Montueux, expect more clouds and rain with similar temperatures.

Then, from Vendargues to Montarnaud, the weather is a mix of sun, clouds, and some rain. Temperatures range between 9 and 16-17°C. In towns like Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert and Lodève, you'll see more sun, but with occasional rain and cloud. Temperatures remain similar.

From Saint-Gervais-sur-Mare to Murat-sur-Vèbre, it gets colder with temperatures as low as 3°C. Expect clouds and rain. The weather in La Salvetat-sur-Agout to Les Cassés is partly cloudy and sunny with a little rain.

The last part, from Avignonet-Lauragais to Sarrance, has more sun but also heavy rain. Temperatures drop from 18 to 16°C. As you continue towards Borce and Somport, it gets even colder with light freezing rain, moderate rain, and sometimes snow. Temperature highs are around 10-12°C, but lows can drop to 2-3°C.

So, in April, the Voie d'Arles is mostly sunny but with fairly frequent rain. It starts mildly warm but gets colder, especially towards the end of the journey. The weather changes a lot on this route, so prepare for conditions from sunny to freezing.

Start date
Apr 1
Start town
End date
May 3
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
781 km
Daily distance
23.7 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.9 mm/day

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