The Arles route in January starts with mild winter weather. The climate changes as you move along the path.
In Arles and Saint-Gilles, you can expect sun, clouds, and some rain. Temperatures are normally between 5°C and 12°C with light rain.
In the towns of Gallargues-le-Montueux and Vendargues, the weather stays mild and mostly sunny. There might be some rain. It gets a bit colder in Montpellier and Montarnaud with an average high of 11°C and a low of 6°C.
From Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert to Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière, rain gets a bit more frequent. The sky can change from partly cloudy to fully overcast, but there might be some sun as well.
When reaching Lunas and Saint-Gervais-sur-Mare, it's cooler, especially at night when it can go down to 4°C. Rain is more common and might get heavier.
Around Murat-sur-Vèbre and La Salvetat-sur-Agout, you might encounter snow and freezing rain. Temperatures drop significantly, ranging from -2°C to 6°C.
In towns like Castres, Dourgne, and Les Cassés, it remains cold but less harsh. There are generally cloudy conditions with temperatures between 1°C and 8°C. Rain is more likely and can even reach 5 mm per day.
Passing Toulouse and heading to Léguevin and Giscaro, you might experience more rain, heavy occasionally, and thicker clouds. The temperature is usually between 2°C and 9°C.
Finally, in the last section from Auch and L'Isle-de-Noé to Marciac, expect a lot of clouds and some rain. You might also see some sun. Temperatures stay around 2°C to 9°C.
The final stage from Lescar to Somport is colder with temperatures falling below -3°C and hardly exceeding 3°C. Skies can vary and snow showers are common - with more snow expected especially in Somport.
This journey sees a lot of weather changes, so be prepared to adjust to them as you go along.
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