Starting in Arles in June, the weather is typically sunny and warm, around 23°C to 25°C, but it can sometimes rain or be cloudy.
Then, as you move towards Saint-Gilles and Gallargues-le-Montueux, the weather can change more frequently. It could be sunny, but also rain or get cloudy. The warmth remains comfortable with temperatures still around 23°C to 25°C during the day and 16°C to 17°C at night.
In Montpellier, rain might be slightly higher, but it’s mostly sunny. The temperature stays similar around 23°C. This continues through towns like Montarnaud and Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert towards Baziège. Here, sunny days are more common than rainy ones.
Moving forward to Toulouse, you may experience sunny, slightly cloudy, or rainy weather. After Toulouse, temperatures rise to between 26°C and 28°C on most days in places like Léguevin, Auch, and L'Isle-de-Noé.
Near the end of your journey in Morlaàs, Lescar, Oloron-Sainte-Marie and Sarrance, temperatures lower to about 21°C to 24°C and rain can be expected more often, especially heavyweight rain.
Finally, in the last part of your journey from Borce to Somport, the weather can be hard to predict. Rain, both light and heavy, is more likely. But, there will still be sunny days. Temperatures cool down to around 21°C, but can be as low as 11°C. This is the rainiest part of your journey along the Voie d'Arles.
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