If you plan to travel the Voie d'Arles, remember that the weather varies a lot. You might experience both sun and rain. You'll start in the town of Arles, temperatures can be between 13°C and 15°C during the day and close to 6°C at night. It might rain heavily some days, but you'll also have sunny and partly cloudy days.
Going east, towards Saint-Gilles and Vendargues, rain might get heavier and temperatures can drop to about 7°C. Rain might be heavy or moderate, with a little more rain overall.
Next, in Montpellier and Montarnaud, you will probably have more sunny days, but it might still rain from time to time. Daily temperatures should be around 12°C to 13°C.
When you reach the high altitude area of Murat-sur-Vèbre, it will get much colder, with averages around 1°C and potential snowfall. However, you will still have sunny days.
Then, as you get to the lower areas in Castres and Dourgne and finally the city of Toulouse, temperatures will be warmer, roughly 14°C to 15°C in the day and 5°C at night. The weather will continue to vary, with sun, clouds, and occasional rain.
As your journey nears the end, through Léguevin, Auch, Marciac, and all the way to Vidouze, expect more sun and fewer clouds. Temperatures will increase to between 15°C to 18°C, with less rain.
However, be aware that when you get to Borce and finally Somport, it will get much colder again. Day temperatures could be between 7°C to 8°C, and at night, they could even drop to freezing point. Rain and snow are both possible.
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