The Vía Augusta usually has mild winter weather in February, with moderate temperatures. During this time, daytime highs are around 16°C, and nighttime lows range from 6°C to 10°C.
In the Andalusian region, including cities like Cádiz, Puerto Real, Jerez de la Frontera, El Cuervo de Sevilla, Las Cabezas de San Juan, Utrera, Alcalá de Guadaíra, and Sevilla, you will mostly see sunny days with some clouds from time to time. There might be occasional rain showers or cloudy skies, but these are usually brief and not heavy. Rainfall is generally low, averaging from 0.5 mm/day to 5.5 mm/day, with some areas getting a bit more rain.
Overall, the weather is mild and stable, making it a good time to travel the Vía Augusta without worrying about extreme cold or too much rain.
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