Weather forecast for the Camino de Baztan in August

The Camino de Baztán route goes from Bayonne to Pamplona, and the weather changes along the way.

In Bayonne near the coast, it's usually a bit warm at around 24°C with occasional rain and clouds, but also some sun.

Moving towards Souraïde and Amaiur, the weather is similar. It stays around 24°C, maybe a bit cooler in some places like Amaiur. It doesn't rain as much here, but it still might be a bit cloudy or lightly rainy, with sunny conditions common.

Coming into Berroeta, it might be a little cooler at around 23°C. Also, expect some rain, but usually it's not too heavy. It's often cloudy here.

Climbing up towards Olagüe, it heats up to around 27°C with cooler nights at 14°C. It doesn't rain as much here and you'll see a lot of sun and some clouds.

Finally, in Pamplona, it's warm at around 28°C and lows at around 14°C. It rarely rains here and you'll see a lot of sunshine and partly cloudy skies.

Start date
Aug 1
Start town
End date
Aug 5
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
108 km
Daily distance
21.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.4 mm/day

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