Weather forecast for the Camino de Baztan in January

If you're walking the Camino de Baztán path, be prepared for changing and sometimes harsh weather. Usually, the weather is mild with a temperature of about 7 to 12 degrees Celsius. During the night, it's colder but above freezing, from 0 to 7 degrees Celsius.

The walk starts in the Bayonne region, where there's often medium to heavy rain. Sometimes, the sun might peep through. The sky is often cloudy, and rain is common, about 4.4 mm.

The next stop, Souraïde, is similar to Bayonne. Expect frequent rain and cloudy skies. Temperatures are almost the same, but the average rain is slightly more, about 4.7 mm.

As you continue towards Amaiur and Berroeta, the weather changes a bit. The rain is less, and there are more sunny days. Temperatures stay mild, but nighttime could get colder in Berroeta.

The last part of the walk, to Olagüe and Pamplona, is different. It's often sunny, with some light rain and clouds. The temperature range increases, with colder nights near freezing, and cool days. These areas are typically drier, with rainfall of 1.2mm and 4.6mm.

In short, the weather on the Camino de Baztán changes along the way. Expect mild temperatures, different rain conditions, and sunnier days towards the end of the journey.

Start date
Jan 1
Start town
End date
Jan 5
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
108 km
Daily distance
21.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.4 mm/day

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