In the starting town of Bayonne, expect temperatures between 13°C and 19°C. There might be heavy rain, sun, or cloudy weather.
Next in Sorrouda, temperatures will be similar, averaging between 13°C and 18°C with a good chance of rain and some sunny spells.
When you reach Amaiur, it will be a bit cooler with temperatures between 12°C and 17°C. You'll experience rain with some sun here as well.
In Berroeta's hills, temperatures will be around 11°C to 15°C. Expect daily rain, sometimes heavy.
Olagüe will be colder with temperatures ranging from 6°C to 13°C. Weather here will be a mix of rain, clouds, and sunshine.
Lastly, in Pamplona, temperatures are similar to Olagüe. The weather can go between some rain, cloudy, sunny, and heavy rain.
So, on your journey through Camino de Baztan, expect rain, cold weather, and wet paths. Be ready for various weather changes.
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