Weather forecast for the Camino Catalán in August

The Camino Catalán is a walk that covers different parts of Spain, including Catalonia. The weather changes as you move from east to west.

In Catalonia, it's usually warm with temperatures in the twenties and thirties in Celsius in August. Usually, it's sunny but sometimes there can be light or heavy rain. But rainfall isn't usually high, but it can increase at times.

In Aragon, the weather stays pretty much the same with high temperatures in the mid-thirties and lows in the twenties. It's generally sunny here too but there are more chances of heavy rain on some days.

In Navarre, it gets a bit cooler but it's still warm with high temperatures in the late twenties. The weather changes more here, it can be sunny or cloudy, and it might rain from time to time.

In the whole Camino Catalán, in all parts, August is generally sunny with some rain. The rain can be light or heavy and it doesn't happen all the time. So, be ready to enjoy sunny walks and maybe some rain showers.

Start date
Aug 1
Start town
Monestir de Montserrat
End date
Aug 18
End town
Puente la Reina
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
439 km
Daily distance
24.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.3 mm/day

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