Weather forecast for the Camino Catalán in June

Starting at the Montserrat Monastery and traveling through Catalunya in June, you'll mainly see sunny weather with a few clouds. Daytime temperatures usually go up to around 20s°C, and drop to the mid-teens at night. There isn't much rain, but there can be heavier showers sometimes.

As you get to places like Igualada, La Panadella and Tàrrega, you might see more rain. The daily high temperatures also might go up to 28°C. But overall, the weather is usually good and great for walking.

Moving on through Linyola, Algerri and Tamarite de Litera, the weather is mostly the same. You'll get a mix of sun and a bit of rain. The nightly temperatures usually drop to around 15°C.

When you get to areas towards Aragon, such as Monzón, Berbegal and Pueyo de Fañanás, it gets slightly cooler. You'll still have sun, some rain, and maybe heavier showers every now and then. The highest daytime temperatures will be about 23-26°C.

On the last part of your route through Huesca and Navarra, you might see more clouds and a higher chance of showers. Daytime temperatures will be around 18-23°C and drop to about 9-12°C at night. The rain can be unpredictable, with sometimes quite heavy showers.

Start date
Jun 1
Start town
Monestir de Montserrat
End date
Jun 18
End town
Puente la Reina
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
439 km
Daily distance
24.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.6 mm/day

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