Weather forecast for the Camino Catalán in October

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Forecast settings

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
Monestir de Montserrat
End date
Oct 18
End town
Puente la Reina
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
439 km
Daily distance
24.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.1 mm/day

Your trip on the Camino Catalán will probably start with mixed weather. Montserrat's weather can be sunny or rainy, with temperatures from 16°C to 23°C. The weather in Igualada and La Panadella is similar, but it's usually a bit warmer.

When you get to Tàrrega and Linyola, it's usually sunny. The temperatures are comfortable and range from 14°C to 26°C, and it doesn't rain much in these areas, which are the driest parts of the journey.

As you reach Algerri, it stays sunny, but there might be a few clouds. The temperatures are still between 14°C and 26°C. Your journey to Tamarite de Litera and Monzón can include some heavy rain, but it's mostly sunny. It starts to cool down in Monzón, with the lowest temperature falling to 9°C.

As you travel to Berbegal, Pueyo de Fañanás and Huesca, you're likely to see more rain, and the temperatures drop to about 11°C.

The weather in Bolea and La Peña Estación can be hard to predict. It can be sunny, clouded or rainy, with temperatures between 11°C and 21°C.

When you reach colder areas like Santa Cilia and Arrés, you'll still have sunny days but the temperature can fall to 4°C. It may even freeze occasionally.

At the end of your trip, in places like Ruesta, Sangüesa, Monreal, and Puente la Reina, the days can be sunny or a bit cloudy. There might be some rain, but not too much. The temperatures continue to fall, with the lowest being 5°C in Ruesta and 10°C in Puente la Reina.

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