Weather forecast for the Camino del Norte in June

In June, the Camino del Norte in the Basque Country usually has different types of weather. It can be sunny, cloudy or rainy. The weather is mild, with temperatures around 15-20°C. This is good for walking.

When entering Cantabria, the weather may still change a lot. You can expect sunny and cloudy days, and sometimes heavy rain. The temperature is still around 15-20°C.

The same type of weather continues in Asturias. It can get a bit more rainy than in previous areas and temperatures stay around 15-20°C.

In Galicia, the weather gets nicer at the end of June and in early July. It's mostly sunny with some rain now and then. The temperature starts to rise a bit, going up to about 25°C, but stays cool at night.

In general, the weather on Camino del Norte can change a lot every day. It's usually sunnier at the start and end of the trip, but there could be heavy rain on the way. However, the temperature is often comfortable for walking. You should be ready for unexpected weather changes during your trip.

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Start date
Jun 1
Start town
End date
Jul 6
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
812 km
Daily distance
22.5 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.2 mm/day

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