Weather forecast for the Camino del Norte in September

The Camino del Norte starts in the Basque Country where the weather in early September is mostly mild, with temperatures ranging from 17-26°C. While there are sunny days in Irún and San Sebastián, the weather in Zarautz and Deba can sometimes include moderate rain.

When you move to Cantabria later in September, you can expect sunny, partly cloudy, and sometimes rainy weather. Normally, the weather doesn't change the temperature much, staying around 16-24°C. However, Comillas often gets more rain than other places.

Asturias usually has cooler and less predictable weather, with temperatures usually around 13-21°C. You will experience a mix of sunny, cloudy, and rainy days. Some places, like Colunga and Ribadesella, often get more rain.

The weather gets colder and rainier when you get to Galicia. The temperature can go down to 10-21°C and you might get moderate to heavy showers, especially around Sobrado dos Monxes and Arzúa. When you reach your final destination in Santiago de Compostela, the weather is mixed with partly cloudy and sunny days and a chance of rain. The temperature is usually between 12-21°C.

In general, you can expect sunny, partly cloudy and rainy days on the Camino de Norte while the temperature gets cooler as you move west. The weather can change quickly so come prepared for different conditions.

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Start date
Sep 1
Start town
End date
Oct 6
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
812 km
Daily distance
22.5 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.5 mm/day

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