Weather forecast for the Camino del Norte in November

The Camino del Norte has changing weather, usually a mixture of sun and rain. It starts in the Basque country in Irún, where it often rains a lot in November. Here, the temperatures are typically between 13°C and 18°C.

The weather often becomes drier when you move to San Sebastián, with more sunshine. Temperatures here are usually between 22°C and 24°C.

Next along the path are Zarautz and Deba, where it usually rains on and off. The temperatures here drop slightly to between 15°C and 17°C.

The area of Markina-Xemein and Gernika often has moderate to heavy rain showers. The average temperatures are between 14°C and 16°C, and there is usually more rainfall.

In the cities of Lezama and Bilbao, it still usually rains a lot. The temperatures are from 14°C to 16°C, which are ideal for walking.

In Portugalete and Castro Urdiales the weather is similar, with rain showers and sunny amounts. The average temperatures are steady at around 15°C.

In Ribadesella, Colunga, Villaviciosa, and Gijón in Asturias, the weather is slightly cooler with temperatures from 15°C to 16°C. There's more sunshine here, but still some rain showers.

In Avilés and Muros de Nalón, temperatures start to drop to around 14°C. The weather is usually rainy with some sunshine.

Soto de Luiña and Cadavedo have temperatures between 13°C and 14°C, with moderate rain and cloudy weather.

The end of the journey takes you through Galicia, where the weather changes between cloudy and sunny times, with some light rain. The temperatures here drop to between 10°C and 12°C.

The Camino del Norte has different weather in each area, from sunshine to rain. However, the temperatures are usually comfortable for walking.

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Start date
Nov 1
Start town
End date
Dec 6
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
812 km
Daily distance
22.5 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
5.2 mm/day

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