In April, the Camino del Norte starting point in the Basque Country usually has temperatures from 9°C to 14°C. It's often partly cloudy with chances of medium to heavy rain.
Next, in Cantabria, the weather becomes slightly warmer, with highs around 16°C on average. While there may be more sunny days, there's also a good chance of heavy rain from time to time.
In Asturias, temperatures might go up to 17°C, which is a bit hotter. Here, there's more sunshine but you can still expect some rain, often heavy.
In Galicia, the last leg of your trip, you'll generally find mild temperatures ranging from 9°C to about 18°C. Frequent showers mean you'll likely find wet paths on most days, even though it usually rains slightly less than in earlier sections of the route.
You'll finish your journey in Santiago de Compostela, where temperatures can reach 18°C. Sometimes it might rain, but not as often, so expect a mix of cloudy and sunny weather.
To sum up, during April, the weather along the Camino del Norte can be cool to mild, with a strong chance of varied rainfall, from light to heavy. This means your journey could be alternately sunny and rainy.
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