The weather you'll see on your walk from Irún in Spain to Santiago de Compostela includes part cloudy, rainy, and temperatures from 8 to 12°C. As you walk to San Sebastián and Zarautz, expect cloudiness and sometimes heavy rain, with temperatures between 7 and 11°C.
The towns of Deba and Markina-Xemein often have sun but also some rain, and their temperature can be between 5 and 11 Celsius. Gernika and Lezama are sunnier places but do get some rain. Lezama can even have winter freeze and snow sometimes.
In Bilbao and Portugalete, weather changes a lot. You'll have cloudy days and sometimes heavy rain. Temperatures stay between 7 and 11°C usually.
On the coast path from Castro Urdiales to Santander, you'll see sun, cloud, and rain. The temperature is usually between 6 and 12°C. From Santillana del Mar to Colombres, there can be sun, partly cloudy or fully cloudy days, with sometimes heavy rain. Temperature is usually somewhere from 6 to 12°C.
Between Gijón, Avilés, and Muros de Nalón, you can expect some rain and heavy showers at times, and days that are sunny or cloudy. It can be between 4 and 12°C.
The part from Baamonde to O Pedrouzo includes sunny, cloudy, and fully cloudy days often with some heavy rain. Sometimes it can even freeze lightly. The temperature usually stays between 3 to 12°C. Santiago de Compostela usually sees a lot of rain and cloud, and temperatures between 4 and 10 Celsius.
Overall, on the Camino del Norte walk you'll see sun, clouds, sometimes full cloud cover, and rainy days, with temperature changes from 3 to 12°C. Rain can be light or heavy, and change fast.
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