Weather forecast for the Camino del Norte in September

If you're going to walk the Camino del Norte in September, the weather is usually nice, but sometimes wet. Temperatures are normally 10-25°C, but it depends on where you are.

Starting from Irún, the weather is usually warm with an average of 22°C, and often sunny. However, it might sometimes rain. As you walk towards San Sebastián and Zarautz, you'll experience more sunny days, but also some rain.

When you reach Cantabria and places like Castro Urdiales, Laredo, and Santander, usually, the days are sunny and temperatures stay in the low 20's. Rain may occur more often here, particularly around Comillas where it usually rains the most.

As you walk through Asturias and visit places like Ribadesella, Colunga, and Gijón, the weather changes. You could have sunny, cloudy, or rainy days. Temperatures here are usually cooler, around 21°C during the days and 14°C at night.

The final part of your walk is in Galicia, through places like Mondoñedo, Sobrado dos Monxes, and finally Santiago de Compostela. The weather in Galicia often changes. It could be cloudy, rainy, or sunny. You could also experience some cold days, down to 10°C.

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Start date
Sep 1
Start town
End date
Oct 6
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
812 km
Daily distance
22.5 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.5 mm/day

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