Starting in Catalonia, the weather in May is usually mild, with highs of about 18-19°C and lows of 12-13°C. The weather mostly sunny, but sometimes it rains or is cloudy.
When you get to the Aragon area, it gets much hotter. Highs usually reach 24-26°C, with mild lows of about 11-13°C. Although it's often sunny, it can occasionally rain.
Near the border to Navarre, the weather stays mostly sunny but can be a bit changeable with some rain and cloudy days. It's still quite warm, with highs in the mid-20s°C and lows of 11-13°C.
In the La Rioja region, it gets a bit cooler, with highs from 18-21°C and lows 8-10°C. The weather here is often partly cloudy, with some rain and a few sunny days.
On this walk, you can expect a mix of weather. Generally, it gets hotter as you walk, and there's a fair amount of rain.
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