Weather forecast for the Camino del Ebro in August

The Camino del Ebro starts in Deltebre in Catalonia and ends in Logroño in La Rioja. The whole way is mostly sunny and warm. In the beginning in Catalonia, it's consistently hot. Daytime temperatures are around 28-29°C, and at night they're around 23°C. It's mostly sunny with a little bit of rain sometimes.

As the path moves into Fabara in Aragón, it can get hotter, and temperatures can go up to the mid-30s°C during the day. At night, it can cool down to around 20°C. Here, it's still mostly sunny, but you might see more clouds and sometimes it can rain a bit heavier. Even so, it doesn't rain a lot overall.

When the path goes through Navarra and La Rioja, the temperature drops. Daytime temperatures are around 29-33°C and at night around 14-15°C. Here, there's a mix of sun and cloud with some occasional heavier rains, but overall it doesn't rain much and it's mostly dry.

In short, throughout the Camino del Ebro, you can expect mostly warm and sunny weather, with some rain here and there. However, prepare for changing temperatures, especially at night, depending on where you are.

Start date
Aug 1
Start town
End date
Aug 17
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
442 km
Daily distance
26.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
0.4 mm/day

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