The Camino del Ebro has hot, sunny weather in June. You'll start in Deltebre and La Ràpita, where it's usually 23°C to 22°C and doesn't often rain. The weather is mostly sunny, with some cloudy days.
The next stops are Tortosa, Xerta, and Gandesa. The weather is still warm at around 24°C. It might rain a bit more here, but usually, it's sunny.
Next, you'll go to Fabara, Caspe, and Escatrón. It gets hotter here, up to 28°C. It doesn't rain much and the weather switches between sunny and a little cloudy.
Then, you'll pass Quinto, El Burgo de Ebro, and Zaragoza. The temperature stays at around 28°C. You'll see more clouds and there's a higher chance of rain.
In Alagón, Gallur, and Tudela, it's hotter, up to 30°C. The weather is sunnier and it rarely rains.
Your journey ends in Alfaro, Calahorra, Alcanadre, and Logroño. It's a bit cooler here, around 24-25°C. This is where you might get different weather - from sunny days to heavy rain.
In general, it gets hotter as you keep walking, with the hottest days in the middle of your journey and cooler days at the end. It can rain anywhere along the way.
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