Weather forecast for the Camino del Ebro in September

The Camino del Ebro starts in Catalonia's warm weather, continues towards the dry region of Aragon, and ends in the cooler and rainy area of La Rioja.

In Catalonia, the beginning of your journey, you'll usually find warm weather, with average temperatures between 21°C and 28°C. Sometimes it rains, but there are many sunny days too.

As you move towards Aragon, the weather becomes drier and a bit hotter. Here, the hottest part of the day can reach 31°C, cooling to around 16°C at night. It doesn't rain much, but there might be light showers sometimes.

Finally, when you reach La Rioja, the weather will change. Temperatures start to fall, with highs averaging about 22°C and lows around 12°C. The weather changes a lot, with more clouds and rain, up to 3.5 mm a day.

In short, be ready for sunny, warm days for most of your trip, but remember that there's a higher chance of rain and cooler temperatures as you get near the end.

Start date
Sep 1
Start town
End date
Sep 17
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
442 km
Daily distance
26.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.4 mm/day

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