If you walk the Camino de los Faros, you will generally see a lot of cloudy and rainy days. Some places are more rainy than others, with daily rainfall ranging from 3.1 to 9.5 mm. It often rains a lot and sometimes the showers can be heavy.
In terms of temperature, it does not change very much along the coastal path. Highs are usually around 12°C in the beginning of the walk in places like Malpica, Laxe, and Arou, but may decrease to about 10°C when you get near Muxía and Faro de Finisterre. Lows lessen slightly, from 9°C in the first parts of the walk, to about 3-4°C near the end.
Although there's usually lots of clouds and rain on the Camino de los Faros, sunny and partly cloudy days can also happen.
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