Weather forecast for the Camino de los Faros in January

The weather on the Camino de los Faros is usually moderate. Temperature usually begins at about 13°C and falls to 10°C as you move along towards places like Muxía and Faro de Finisterre. At night, temperatures can fall to between 9°C and 3°C.

The weather usually includes sunshine and clouds, with some really sunny days. It could also rain at any point on the journey, ranging from light rain to heavy showers. Some places like Ponteceso and Laxe often experience moderate to heavy rain showers, but it tends to rain less as you get nearer to Arou.

When you get to Camariñas to Muxía, the weather gets colder with more clouds, and there might even be light freezing rain. This kind of weather is also common at the final point, Faro de Finisterre, where you might experience anything from cloudiness to moderate rain.

Despite the changes in weather on the path, the average rainfall daily is usually between 4-6 mm, but it gets higher around Nemiña, with an average of 8.8 mm/day. So, the second half of the journey is typically colder and rainier than the beginning.

Start date
Jan 1
Start town
End date
Jan 8
End town
Faro de Finisterre
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
196 km
Daily distance
24.5 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
6.2 mm/day

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