Weather forecast for the Camino de Finisterre in February

The Camino de Finisterre in Galicia is known for having very changeable weather, even in February. The weather changes every day, which could make your trip challenging.

Rain is normal in this area of Galicia. It can be light, heavy or somewhere in between. Many days are cloudy, with some sun now and then. The cloudiness varies - it might be partly cloudy or completely overcast.

As for the temperature, it usually ranges from just above zero to about 10 degrees Celsius. However, it can get close to freezing, especially in places like Negreira and Olveiroa. Sometimes they have light frozen rain.

Typically, the lowest temperatures are around 3-5 degrees Celsius, while the highest can reach 10-11 degrees Celsius. This is slightly warmer as you travel from Santiago de Compostela to Negreira. The amount of rain can also vary greatly, with some places like Fisterra getting only a little rain, and others like Corcubión getting a lot.

Remember that the weather in Galicia can change fast. In a single day, you might have sunny periods and rain. So, when you go on your trip, be ready for all kinds of weather.

This overview is for an early February start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Start date
Jan 31
Start town
Santiago de Compostela
End date
Feb 3
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
86 km
Daily distance
21.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
6.8 mm/day

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