Weather forecast for the Camino de Finisterre in June

On the Camino de Finisterre walk, the weather changes a lot. In Santiago de Compostela, where you start, there can be sun and rain with temperatures from 11°C to 22°C.

In places like Negreira and Olveiroa, the weather can be cloudy or partially clear, occasionally sunny. It rains less often here and temperatures are usually between 10°C and 21°C.

Nearer the sea in places like Corcubión and Fisterra it often rains a bit, but there can be sunshine too. Here, the temperatures are usually between 9°C and 20°C.

So, along the whole route, expect different kinds of weather. Some days are rainy, some are sunny. It's not too hot or cold, so it's good for walking. But the weather can change, so be ready for that.

This overview is for an early June start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Start date
Jun 14
Start town
Santiago de Compostela
End date
Jun 17
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
86 km
Daily distance
21.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.0 mm/day

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