Weather forecast for the Camino de Finisterre in August

When you walk the Camino de Finisterre, the weather is usually mild. The highest temperatures are about 24°C and the lowest are around 13-14°C; this makes the journey comfortable most of the time. The area's weather is a mix of clouds and sun, which is good for your trip.

You might have some cloudy days with a bit of sun on this route, which is nice when it gets hot. However, remember that there will be some rain now and then. The rain varies, from light to medium showers, but it usually doesn't rain much overall.

Even with some rain, there are also many clear days that will give you sunshine. But, most of the time, it's cloudy and not too hot.

The weather conditions on this route are usually consistent and mild, without any really bad weather.

This overview is for an early August start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Start date
Aug 6
Start town
Santiago de Compostela
End date
Aug 9
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
86 km
Daily distance
21.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
0.8 mm/day

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