Weather forecast for the Camino de Santiago Francés in December

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Forecast settings

Start date
Dec 1
Start town
End date
Jan 2
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
766 km
Daily distance
23.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.0 mm/day

If you're walking the Camino Francés starting from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in December, expect different weather conditions. There can be a mix of average to heavy rain and cloudy skies, with a bit of sun. The temperature changes from mild to cold, with an average high of 11°C and lows around 2°C.

When you reach the areas of Roncesvalles, Zubiri, Pamplona and Puente la Reina, the weather is similar but a bit colder, with low temperatures around 2-3°C and highs near 10°C. There's still a mix of rain, cloudy skies and sunny moments. Rain tends to decrease, with average rainfall below 3 mm.

Moving further into Estella and Logroño, there are more sunny days, although some rain is still possible. It’s a bit warmer here, with high temperatures from 11-12°C and low temperatures around 3-4°C.

As you head to Santo Domingo de la Calzada and Burgos, the weather gets colder again, with highs of 9-10°C and lows near 1°C. Weather changes from partly cloudy to sunny, but rain is still expected.

Arriving in León and Astorga, there's a good chance of some light rain with rare sunny breaks. Highs and lows remain consistent, with highs around 9°C and lows 2°C.

Moving on towards Foncebadón and Ponferrada, the temperatures stay the same, but you should be prepared for possibly more heavy rain and cloudy days. Rainfall could rise to 5.6 mm.

On your way to O Cebreiro and Triacastela, the weather remains the same but high temperatures could rise to around 11°C, with lows around 4-5°C.

Lastly, going towards Santiago de Compostela, the weather continues with some rain, occasional sunny spells and comfortable temperatures, with highs around 12°C and lows at 6°C. Average rainfall can go up to 6.3 mm.

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