Weather forecast for the Camino de Santiago Francés in January

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Forecast settings

Start date
Jan 1
Start town
End date
Feb 2
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
766 km
Daily distance
23.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.9 mm/day

If you start your trip in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, you're going to see different types of weather on the Camino Francés. At first, especially in Navarre, it's around 7°C to 12°C in January. You might get medium or heavy rain, and some clouds.

The weather stays about the same when you go through La Rioja and areas in Castille and León, like Logroño, Burgos, and León. The only difference is that it might get colder, closer to 0°C. These places usually have more sunny days, less rain and sometimes a bit of snow.

As you get closer to Santiago de Compostela in the Galicia region, it gets a bit colder between 3°C and 10°C. It's more likely to rain here. You might see anything from light rain to very heavy rain.

Basically, if you're walking the Camino Francés, get ready for all sorts of weather. You might see anything from sun to heavy rain and moderate temperatures all in one day. This is because the land along this path is very varied. It's important to plan for rain, cold, and sunshine.

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