Weather forecast for the Via di Francesco in May

The Via di Francesco goes through several regions in Italy: Lazio, Umbria, and Tuscany.

In Lazio, around places like Rome, Monte Sacro, and Rieti, May usually has moderate weather. Highs are about 20°C and lows are around 10°C. You can expect both sunny days and rain. The rain can be light or heavy, but it's usually moderate.

As you move into Umbria, in cities like Spoleto and Assisi, the weather is similar. Highs are around 21°C and lows near 10°C. There are sunny days and rainy periods. It rains a bit less than in Lazio, but when it does, it can be heavy.

Further north, in areas like Città di Castello and Valfabbrica, the weather remains a mix of sunny and rainy days, usually patchy. Temperatures stay around 20°C for highs and 10°C for lows.

In Tuscany, near places like Pieve Santo Stefano and Sansepolcro, the weather also has sun and rain. Highs are in the low 20s°C and lows around 10°C. There’s moderate rain, with some heavy showers.

Overall, along the Via di Francesco in May, expect a mix of sunny and rainy days with mild temperatures. Highs are around 20°C, and lows are around 10°C. The weather is mostly consistent, without extreme changes.

This overview is for an early May start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Start date
Apr 21
Start town
End date
May 13
End town
La Verna
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
434 km
Daily distance
18.9 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.9 mm/day

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