Weather forecast for the Via di Francesco in August

The Via di Francesco goes through the Lazio and Umbria regions of Italy and has varying weather conditions in early August.

In Lazio, including places like Roma, Rieti, and Poggio San Lorenzo, you can expect mostly sunny days with high temperatures around 30-33°C and low temperatures between 16-23°C. It might rain sometimes, but not often.

In Umbria, passing through towns like Assisi, Spoleto, and Trevi, the weather is also warm. High temperatures are around 29-31°C and lows are 17-18°C. Sunny days are common, but there is a slightly higher chance of rain, sometimes heavy.

Overall, the route has warm to hot days and mild to cool nights. Rain is possible but usually light, making the weather generally good for walking.

Start date
Aug 1
Start town
End date
Aug 23
End town
La Verna
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
434 km
Daily distance
18.9 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.0 mm/day

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