Weather forecast for the Via di Francesco in March

In March, pilgrims on the Via di Francesco experience different weather conditions with mild temperatures across various parts of Italy.

Starting in Lazio, cities like Rome and Monte Sacro generally have slightly warmer weather with temperatures around 14-15°C during the day and 7°C at night. You can expect both sunny and rainy days, including some heavy rain showers.

As you move into Umbria, towns like Monterotondo and Ponticelli di Scandriglia get a bit cooler, especially at night, with lows around 3-4°C. The weather remains mixed with heavy rain at times but also sunny breaks. There's a higher chance of rain compared to the south.

In Tuscany and the northern parts, including Città di Castello and Sansepolcro, temperatures stay mild, around 12-15°C during the day and 4°C at night. The weather becomes more stable with more sunny and partly cloudy days, although some rain showers can still happen. There is usually less precipitation, making these areas drier.

Overall, March on the Via di Francesco offers varied weather with sunny, cloudy, and rainy days. Temperatures are mildly cold to moderately warm, making it comfortable for walking, though you might encounter some rain.

Start date
Mar 1
Start town
End date
Mar 23
End town
La Verna
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
434 km
Daily distance
18.9 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.2 mm/day

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