In October, the Via di Francesco has mild to cool weather. High temperatures range from 18°C to 25°C, and lows are between 9°C and 17°C. Some days have heavy rain, while others are dry and sunny. You will see mixed weather: sunny, cloudy, and sometimes rainy.
Starting in Roma, Lazio, expect mild weather with sunny and rainy days. As you move north through Lazio, Umbria, and part of Tuscany, the weather remains mild but with a high chance of rain, mixed with sunny periods. This area gets more frequent and heavier rain.
In Umbria, it gets cooler with both sunny and cloudy days. Highs are around 18°C to 21°C, and lows are about 9°C to 11°C. Rain is less common but can be heavy.
Along the route, expect a mix of sunny and partly cloudy days, with some rain. Be ready for weather that can change from sunny and pleasant to rainy and cool.
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