If you start the Via Francigena in Lausanne, Switzerland in August, the weather there is mild, with temperatures in the mid-20s°C. As you go to higher locations like Aigle and Saint-Maurice, it gets a bit cooler and rainier.
In Italy, it gets warmer, in the low to mid-20s°C in places like Aosta and Châtillon. While there might be some rain, the weather is usually nice.
In Lombardy, it's sunny and can get as warm as the low 30s°C in towns like Santhià, Vercelli, and Belgioioso. Rain is rare in this area.
In Tuscany, the weather is mixed. It can be sunny or partly cloudy, with temperatures in the mid to high 20s°C. Rains are less than 3mm a day and not very common.
Finally, by the time you get to Rome, it's very sunny and warm, in the high 20s°C. Rain is rare and very light. So, during your trip on the Via Francigena, expect mostly warm, sunny weather with some occasional rain, more often at the beginning of the trip.
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