Weather forecast for the Via Francigena in February

In February, travelers should expect cold winter conditions in Lausanne. Usually, it's around 4°C in the day and might get colder, so prepare for very cold temperatures. Weather changes can include some snow, icy rain, or even sunny days.

As you pass through cities like Vevey and Aigle, similar cold weather continues and might even get a bit colder. Going into Saint-Maurice and Martigny, expect it to be very cold, with temperatures often below freezing.

In higher places like Bourg-Saint-Pierre and the Grand Saint Bernard Pass, the weather could be really cold and there's a higher chance for snow or icy rain. So, prepare to face tough winter conditions.

In Italy, the weather gets a bit better. In cities like Aosta, Ivrea, and Viverone, it's a bit warmer, but there can still be some snow. Rain is more likely towards Vercelli, and temperatures below freezing become less common.

As you travel through places like Pavia, Belgioioso, Lucca, and Altopascio, you'll start to see early spring weather. Daytime temperatures can get up to around 13°C and it's usually above freezing at night. You'll see more sunny days, but it might still rain from time to time.

The last part of the trip from Siena to Rome gets warmer and less rainy. As spring arrives, it's usually quite mild, with highs up to 17°C in Rome. There's a good chance of more sunny days and less rain, but it might still shower from time to time.

Start date
Feb 1
Start town
End date
Mar 23
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
1121 km
Daily distance
22.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.1 mm/day

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