Weather forecast for the Via Francigena in June

The part of the Via Francigena going from Lausanne to Rome has different kinds of terrains and weather conditions. If you begin your trip in Lausanne, Switzerland in June, the weather typically ranges from 10°C-18°C. You'll get a mix of sun and rain.

As you continue south towards Vevey and Aigle, temperatures stay roughly the same, around 19°C. Expect frequent rain showers, especially when nearing Saint-Maurice where the average rainfall hits 11mm/day.

The weather gets colder when you move closer to Italy. Places like Bourg-Saint-Pierre and the Grand-Saint-Bernard Pass occasionally have snow showers. The weather warms up as you enter Italy and push towards Aosta and Châtillon.

Moving through the Italian flat areas like Vercelli, Robbio, and Pavia, you'll mostly find sunny weather with temperatures going up to 20s and 30s. Rain is rare, but heavy showers may still occur.

Traveling through central Italy like Gambassi Terme and Siena, the usual high temperature is around 31°C. Sunny weather is usual, except for occasional rain showers.

When you finally reach Rome, you'll find hot and sunny weather with temperatures more than 30°C. Rain showers are rare, but they can happen sometimes. Prepare for high temperatures during the summer.

In short, the Via Francigena route goes through various kinds of weather: cold winters and rainy mountain areas in Switzerland, and sunny, hot flatlands and cities in Italy.

Start date
Jun 1
Start town
End date
Jul 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
1121 km
Daily distance
22.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.0 mm/day

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