Weather forecast for the Via Francigena in May

If you travel from Lausanne, Switzerland to Rome, Italy on the Via Francigena route, you will experience many types of weather. The weather changes from cooler and more variable in Switzerland and Northern Italy to warm and mostly sunny in Central Italy.

In Switzerland, starting from Lausanne to the Col du Grand-Saint-Bernard, the weather is generally cool in May. The temperature usually stays between 9°C to 13°C and can go down to 0°C at night. It often rains, sometimes heavily, and it can sometimes snow, especially in the mountains like Saint-Maurice and Bourg-Saint-Pierre.

When you enter Italy, from Aosta to towns in the Aosta Valley such as Verrès and Pont-Saint-Martin, it starts to get a bit warmer (12°C -18°C) but it still often rains.

Continuing into North-Western Italy, passing through Ivrea to Pavia, the weather starts to change more. It still rains, but you also see more sun and the temperature can go as high as 23°C.

In Central Italy, in places like Belgioioso and Sutri, the weather changes a lot. It becomes mostly sunny with less rain. The temperature also increases to between 24°C and 28°C.

On the last part of your trip towards Rome, the weather is usually hot and sunny with a little bit of rain. This part has the highest temperatures of the trip, usually around 28°C. It doesn't rain much here and it is usually the warmest and driest part of the route.

Start date
May 1
Start town
End date
Jun 20
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
1121 km
Daily distance
22.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
4.4 mm/day

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