Weather forecast for the Via Francigena in October

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Forecast settings

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
End date
Nov 20
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
1121 km
Daily distance
22.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
4.6 mm/day

The Via Francigena is a pilgrim route from Canterbury to Rome, but this will focus on a start in Lausanne, Switzerland. The weather can change a lot from the start to the end, especially starting in in October.

In Lausanne, Switzerland, and places close by, weather varies between sunny and rainy. Temperatures normally stay between 17°C and 9°C. It often rains lightly here.

As you go higher up, around Saint Bernard Pass, weather gets much colder, sometimes even below zero, with some snow. Cold continues in areas like Bourg-Saint-Pierre and Col du Grand-Saint-Bernard.

Next is Italy, starting with the city Aosta. Here, it's usually sunny with some rain. The temperatures slowly increase and usually stay between 6°C and 13°C. This weather lasts in places like Ivrea, Santhià, Vercelli.

The middle of Italy, from Pavia to Viterbo, has weather with lots of sun and little rain. Temperatures usually stay between 19°C and 10°C, which is comfortable for walking.

The last part of the trip towards Rome is mostly sunny with some rain. Temperatures usually stay between 17°C and 9°C. The rain can sometimes be heavy, especially in Campagnano di Roma.

In conclusion, this route's weather changes a lot, with temperatures getting colder then warmer again as you go from Lausanne to Rome. You can expect both rain and sun in different areas throughout the trip.

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