Weather forecast for the Vía Gebennensis in August

The Vía Gebennensis, part of the Camino de Santiago, goes through Switzerland and France and generally has good weather in August.

Starting in Geneva, Switzerland, the weather can be sunny or rainy, with daytime temperatures around 27°C and nighttime temperatures around 15°C.

In France, from the Rhône-Alpes area to the Auvergne region, the weather is similar. It’s often sunny with some rain. Daytime temperatures are around 26-28°C, and nighttime temperatures are around 14-15°C. Sometimes it rains lightly, and other times it rains heavily.

Overall, the weather in August is fairly consistent. There are many sunny days, but it also rains often, especially in some areas. The climate changes gradually from the wetter regions to the drier areas.

This overview is for an early August start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Start date
Aug 22
Start town
End date
Sep 6
End town
Le Puy-en-Velay
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
349 km
Daily distance
21.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.0 mm/day

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