Weather forecast for the Vía Gebennensis in May

The Vía Gebennensis route starts in Genève and goes through eastern France, experiencing moderate spring weather in May.

In Genève, the trip begins with cooler days, with high temperatures around 14°C and lows of 6°C. It often rains, ranging from light showers to heavy rain, with some sunny periods.

As you move through places like Col du Mont-Sion, Frangy, and Serrières-en-Chautagne, temperatures rise, with highs between 15°C to 17°C and lows around 6°C. Rain is still frequent, but there are more sunny and partly cloudy days.

Midway through the route, in towns like Yenne and Saint-Genix-sur-Guiers, temperatures get warmer, with highs up to 19°C and lows around 8°C. Rain showers continue but are mixed with more sunny days and less heavy rain, showing a change towards more stable weather.

Further along, in areas such as Le Pin, La Côte-Saint-André, and Revel-Tourdan, temperatures reach around 20°C with lows of 10°C. Rain becomes less frequent, and partly cloudy skies are common, with some brief showers.

Towards the end of the route, through Bourg-Argental, Les Sétoux, and Saint-Julien-Chapteuil, temperatures are mild, with highs between 13°C to 14°C and lows around 4°C to 5°C. It remains mostly rainy, with heavy showers at times, but there are occasional cloudy and sunny days.

Overall, you’ll experience cooler, wetter weather at the start, transitioning to milder, more stable conditions, although rain is common throughout the route.

Start date
May 1
Start town
End date
May 16
End town
Le Puy-en-Velay
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
349 km
Daily distance
21.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
5.2 mm/day

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