Weather forecast for the Vía Gebennensis in September

The Vía Gebennensis starts in Geneva and passes through southern France. In September, the weather is usually mild to warm, with a mix of sun and rain. When you begin in Geneva, expect high temperatures between 19°C and 25°C and lows between 9°C and 14°C.

Early parts of the route, like around Geneva and Col du Mont-Sion, have sunny, partly cloudy, and sometimes rainy days with moderate rain. The middle part, near places like Yenne and Saint-Genix-sur-Guiers, is sunnier with less rain, making it warmer and drier.

As you go further, near places like La Côte-Saint-André and Revel-Tourdan, the sunny weather mostly continues, but you might still get some rain. Near Bourg-Argental and Les Sétoux, expect more rain and clouds, though there will still be some sunny times.

Near the end of the route, around Le Puy-en-Velay, it gets slightly cooler with more rain and clouds, but you will still see sunny days here and there. Overall, the weather on the Vía Gebennensis changes from warm and dry to cooler and wetter as you move along, offering a mix of conditions throughout your walk.

Start date
Sep 1
Start town
End date
Sep 16
End town
Le Puy-en-Velay
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
349 km
Daily distance
21.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.3 mm/day

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