The Caminho da Geira e dos Arrieiros, traversing northern Portugal and Galicia, typically experiences mild to cool temperatures as you progress through November, with average highs ranging from 14°C to 17°C and lows from 7°C to 11°C. Rainfall is a common feature along the route.
In northern Portugal, particularly around towns such as Braga, Caldelas, and Campo do Gerês, expect a mix of moderate to heavy rain showers and cloudy or overcast days, with the occasional sunny or partly cloudy intervals. Precipitation averages are generally higher in this region, especially around Campo do Gerês.
As you move into Galicia, specifically areas like Lobios, Castro Laboreiro, and Cortegada, the weather continues to exhibit significant rainfall, though there are more frequent patches with possible sunshine or partly cloudy conditions. The temperature slightly drops, maintaining cool, comfortable ranges.
Further along, in towns like Pazos de Arenteiro and Beariz, this pattern of frequent rain showers and cloudy skies persists. While some sunny breaks do occur, expect higher precipitation averages here compared to earlier parts of the journey.
Towards the end of the route, around Codeseda and Santiago de Compostela, the weather remains relatively consistent with the earlier regions. There is still a dominance of rain showers, cloudy, and overcast days, with slightly lower precipitation averages.
Overall, throughout the Caminho da Geira e dos Arrieiros in November, expect a generally wet and cool journey, with periodic breaks of sunny or partly cloudy weather.
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