Weather forecast for the Caminho da Geira e dos Arrieiros in October

The Caminho da Geira e dos Arrieiros, traversing through various parts of Portugal and Spain, offers you a diverse weather experience that reflects the regional climates.

In the north of Portugal, you'll experience generally mild and sunny conditions throughout Braga and Caldelas. Expect average high temperatures around 24°C and lows around 13°C, with moderate precipitation that can vary from sunny to occasional rainy days.

As you venture into the mountainous regions like Campo do Gerês and Lobios, the weather becomes noticeably wetter, particularly around Campo do Gerês where the risk of rainfall significantly increases. Despite this, sunny days are still common, with temperatures typically ranging from 12°C to 24°C.

In the southern part of Galicia, including areas like Cortegada, Pazos de Arenteiro, and Beariz, the climate is gently cooler and soggier, with average highs around 22-23°C and lows around 12-13°C. Rain is more frequent here, so be prepared for showers mixed with sunny intervals.

Finally, as you reach Santiago de Compostela, the temperatures dip slightly lower with highs around 21°C and lows around 11°C. The weather here features a mix of sunny and overcast conditions, with lesser but consistent chances of rain.

Overall, this journey provides a typical mix of Iberian autumn weather, combining warmth, sunshine, and periods of rain.

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
End date
Oct 9
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
239 km
Daily distance
26.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
5.7 mm/day

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