Weather forecast for the Camino Ignaciano in August

The Camino Ignaciano traverses several regions in Spain, each characterized by distinct weather patterns. In the Basque Country, you can expect relatively mild temperatures with average highs in the mid-20s°C and lows in the mid-10s°C. Precipitation is fairly common, with a mix of sunny, cloudy, and rain-possible days, making for a varied weather experience.

As you continue into the La Rioja region, temperatures increase slightly, with highs around the upper 20s°C to 30°C and lows in the mid-10s°C. Rain is still a possibility but happens less frequently, with sunny days being more prevalent.

Upon reaching Aragon, the climate becomes hotter and drier. Daytime highs consistently reach the low 30s°C and lows remain around 18-20°C. Sunny weather dominates the region, with occasional partly cloudy or rain-possible days, but precipitation is generally low.

Finally, in Catalonia, temperatures stay in the low to mid-30s°C for highs, with lows around 20°C. The weather is predominantly sunny, although there are occasional chances of rain. However, the precipitation levels here are generally higher than in Aragon but lower than the Basque Country.

Overall, the Camino Ignaciano offers a blend of mild to hot temperatures and varying chances of rain, becoming drier and sunnier as you move southeastward.

Start date
Aug 1
Start town
End date
Aug 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
646 km
Daily distance
23.9 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.5 mm/day

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