The Camino Ignaciano, spanning from the Basque Country through Navarre, La Rioja, Aragon, and ending in Catalonia, offers diverse weather conditions in May.
In the Basque Country, expect fairly cool temperatures with average highs of 15-18°C and lows around 7-10°C. Precipitation is relatively frequent, with mixed weather patterns that include patchy rain, moderate rains, and sometimes heavy downpours. Cloud cover is common, though partly cloudy and sunny intervals do occur.
As you transition into Navarre and La Rioja, temperatures increase slightly with highs of 19-22°C and lows between 7-10°C. The likelihood of rain diminishes, though moderate rains and occasional heavy showers still occur. Sunny and partly cloudy conditions become more frequent, especially later in the journey through La Rioja.
Entering Aragon sees a more noticeable shift toward warmer weather, with highs around 22-26°C and lows hovering around 10°C. Sunny days dominate, and the region experiences minimal rainfall compared to previous areas. Clear skies are quite typical, although occasional patchy rain and overcast days can be expected.
Finally, as you reach Catalonia, temperatures peak with consistent highs of 23-27°C and lows resting between 13-15°C. Sunshine prevails most days, and rainfall is rare. While partly cloudy skies occasionally occur, you'll predominantly encounter dry and clear conditions as you conclude your pilgrimage.
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