Weather forecast for the Camino Ignaciano in October

The Camino Ignaciano covers a diverse array of climates as it weaves through several Spanish autonomous communities. Starting in the Basque Country, you'll find mild autumn temperatures ranging from 15°C to 22°C. The region experiences a mix of sunny days and frequent rain. Cloud cover is common, and you'll often encounter moderate or heavy showers, reflecting the region's lush, green landscape.

As you move into Navarra and La Rioja, the weather becomes slightly warmer and drier. Temperatures here hover around 10°C to 23°C. Although sunny days are more frequent, be prepared for intermittent rain showers and overcast skies. These areas see less precipitation compared to the Basque Country, but rain is still a regular occurrence.

Entering Aragón, the climate remains generally mild but gets progressively drier. With temperatures consistently between 11°C and 22°C, sunny and partly cloudy days dominate the weather patterns. Rain becomes less frequent, and when it does occur, it's usually in the form of light showers or brief heavy rain.

Finally, in Catalonia, expect slightly cooler temperatures, especially as you approach the Pyrenees. The weather is predominantly sunny, with highs around 19°C to 22°C and lows dipping to 11°C. Precipitation is relatively low, but occasional rain showers can be expected. Overall, Catalonia enjoys a pleasant climate with fewer rainy days compared to the earlier parts of the route.

Throughout the journey, be prepared for a mix of weather conditions, with a trend towards sunnier and drier days as you progress from the Basque Country towards Catalonia.

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
End date
Oct 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
646 km
Daily distance
23.9 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.2 mm/day

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