Weather forecast for the Camino Ignaciano in September

The Camino Ignaciano traverses a variety of climatic regions in Spain, offering a diverse range of weather conditions throughout the journey. Starting in the Basque Country and then passing through La Rioja, Navarre, and eventually reaching Catalonia, pilgrims experience different weather patterns tied to each region.

In the Basque Country, you can expect moderate temperatures with high averages around 22-25°C and lows between 13-17°C. Rain is a frequent companion, with varied precipitation levels often around 1.5 to 3.2 mm per day, and you might encounter both sunny intervals and showers. This region tends to be wetter than others, with a mixture of sunny and partly cloudy days interspersed with rain showers.

As you move into La Rioja and Navarre, temperatures tend to remain similar but slightly warmer, averaging between 25-28°C during the day and dropping to 13-16°C at night. Rain is less frequent here, with daily precipitation averages ranging from 0.5 to 2.4 mm. You will notice more sunny days, although intermittent showers and partly cloudy skies are still possible.

The final leg of the route in Catalonia is generally warmer and drier, with daytime highs averaging around 24-29°C and night-time lows between 14-16°C. Precipitation decreases significantly, typically staying below 2 mm per day. This region experiences predominantly sunny weather, interspersed with occasional cloudy or rainy days.

Overall, pilgrims can expect a blend of sunny, partly cloudy, and rainy days, with temperatures gradually warming as they progress south and east.

Start date
Sep 1
Start town
End date
Sep 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
646 km
Daily distance
23.9 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.5 mm/day

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