Weather forecast for the Camino Inglés in March

The English route to Santiago de Compostela, called the Camino Inglés, has different weather conditions during the trip. The climate is mostly damp because it's near the Atlantic Ocean.

The trip begins in Ferrol, a city on the north coast. Here, it often rains, and it can be very heavy. Still, the temperature stays cool, between 8 to 13°C, which makes the trip comfortable most of the time.

Next, you'll pass through Pontedeume and Betanzos, where you'll see lots of clouds and also rain, sometimes heavy. Temperatures here are steady, between 9 to 13°C. Sometimes, there is a lot of rain.

The route then goes through Hospital de Bruma to Sigüeiro, where it still frequently rains, but usually less heavy. The weather during the day can include clouds, some sun, or overcast skies. Temperatures can dip, especially at night, between 5 to 12°C.

The final stop is Santiago de Compostela, where there can be some rain and cloudy skies. It can get colder here, between 4 to 12°C, but there can also be periods of sunshine and warmth.

The English route's weather is often damp with rain, and the temperature is cool. This provides a nice walk for travellers. Also, the more you go inland, the cooler the temperatures become.

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Start date
Mar 1
Start town
End date
Mar 5
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
112 km
Daily distance
22.3 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
5.9 mm/day

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