Weather forecast for the Camino de Invierno in July

On the Camino de Invierno route, the weather changes but is comfortable. The journey starts in Ponferrada and ends at Santiago de Compostela. There is often sun, but sometimes clouds and a little rain.

In Ponferrada, Las Médulas, and O Barco de Valdeorras, the weather is around 25-26°C in the day and about 12-13°C at night. A Rúa de Valdeorras and Quiroga might have some heavy rain, but usually it's sunny and the temperature ranges between 21-27°C.

Going through A Pobra do Brollón, Monforte de Lemos, and Chantada, the temperature could go up to 28°C, but it usually stays around 15°C. Overcast and moderate rain could happen, but it's usually sunny.

In Rodeiro, Lalín, and Silleda, it's often partly cloudy. The temperature is usually mid-20°C in the day and low-teen°C at night.

Once you get to Santiago de Compostela, temperatures drop slightly to around 24°C during the day. It's often cloudy and may occasionally rain.

Start date
Jul 1
Start town
End date
Jul 12
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
263 km
Daily distance
21.9 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
0.9 mm/day

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